Keto and the Danger of Fad Diets

Former American President Benjamin Franklin famously stated that: In this world, nothing is certain but death and taxes. We could safely add ‘…and the proliferation of fad diets’ to this quote! As long as we have a problem with overweight and obesity, we’ll have an abundance of fad diets. This is certainly the case in…

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To Help Others, It Pays to Be Open-Minded

Looking at the picture of health in New Zealand, you can’t help but be concerned. Almost 70% of the adult population classify as overweight or obese. In relation to longevity, the ‘Foresight’ report from the UK Government [ref 1] estimates that: For men, up to 13 years and for women, up to 8 years of…

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Weight Training: Exercise Selection and Progression

At the core of every resistance programme are the exercises within it. This is why exercise selection is one of the most important considerations we  make when designing  programmes for ourselves or others. With so many options available, finding the perfect mix of exercises can seem a near impossible task – especially for new trainers.…

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Boxing Training: Why PT Clients Love a Bit of Biff

I had done a little bit of boxing training before I fought my first competitive bout… THWACK! Thwack, THWACK, THWACK! Thud! As I came to, and back from the darkness, I realised that competing in the boxing ring is not for me. Helped off the canvas and hobbling back to my corner it became clear.…

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Stretching – Why is it So Important?

Why is it that regular Yoga participants (‘yogi’) always look so relaxed and pain-free? Is it because they’ve achieved a zen state of cosmic, inner calmness? Or could it be that their muscles aren’t locked in semi-permanent contraction, pulling joints out of place, and creating a myriad of aches and pains? My money is on…

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Exercise Intensity and Adherence – What’s Best for Beginners?

Physical inactivity is one of the most challenging health problems in industrialised countries. Over 20 years ago the WHO warned that a sedentary lifestyle was a leading cause of death and disability. Unfortunately, these warnings haven’t resulted in us becoming more physically active. The 2020/21 New Zealand Health Survey tells us that: 47% of adults…

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Kettlebell Workouts for Beginners (and the Broken)

I’m pretty new to kettlebell training but I’m slowly seeing why kettlebell workouts are so popular. You see, I’m a bit old school. A bit resistant to change, I like to do things my way and when I find something I like, I stick to it. It took me a while to realise, but once…

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Problem Solving for Fitness Professionals

If you think that fitness professionals just train clients and design exercise programmes, then I’ve got some news for you. There’s much more to it than that! When your job revolves around helping people, then Problem Solving is a fundamental component of your work. Because every client is unique, the exercise programmes we design and…

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